Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thank you for being my student

So often we forget to give thanks to our real customers. Sure we say "thank you for being our customer" to the parents, after all they pay the bills. But when was the last time you really showed gratitude to your students just for giving you the chance to be their dance teacher?

Thank you for coming to class and for wanting to learn.
Thank you for making me be a better teacher.
Thank you for making me exercise each week.
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for accepting my love of dance as a gift - from me to you.
Thank you for wanting to be a dancer.
Thank you for being so cute in your little pink outfit.
Thank you for thinking I'm your hero, when in truth I'm just a normal person.

Let's take this Thanksgiving opportunity to remember to thank the students in our lives for making us dance teachers. I wonder... just who would we be without any students?

As one of my favorite inpirational books "The Secret" says, Gratitude is the most powerful feeling there is.

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Releve' Dance Poster sample

Releve' Dance Poster sample
sample of poster