Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Listening to weird music - only a dance teacher can relate

Last week I picked out all my recital music for my own classes, I know a little late, but that's ok. I'm right on schedule for me. As I was riding down the road listening to the Dora Dora the Explorer CD I realized I might be the only person listening to this CD that doesn't have a three year old strapped in the backseat. Am I crazy for getting excited about her variation of Row, Row, Row Your Boat? (its adorable you should try it- goes perfect with Revolution's sailor pre-ballet costume) As Dance Teachers we often get to hear many types of music others simply don't. It's one more gift we get for being in our profession. A little jazz, a little reggae, a little Bach --it comes with the territory. So the next time you are secretly enjoying a catchy little tune know you are in good company! But only a Dance Teacher will understand, so you better hide that CD under the front seat. Happy Listening. And remember to register your music, so those song writers can make a living too.

Releve' Dance Poster sample

Releve' Dance Poster sample
sample of poster