Friday, November 21, 2008

Hire a housekeeper. Really.

I'm a huge fan of Penelope Trunk she writes for many major newspapers but most importantly is a blogger and owner of BrazenCareerist. In much of her work she writes about her life with juggling family, work and a new love life, or not as the case may be now. Like many career types she preaches about doing what you love, which is what I do by owning my Dance School. But she also advises to hire help to get ahead. So, I did. I hired a personal coach and a housekeeper all in the same month. And can I just tell you that not having to worry about the toilets being clean or the floors being vacuumed has completely changed my home life- the guilt and late night cleanings are a thing of the past!

Penelope was right- my time is better served doing anything but cleaning a toilet! I'm in a small town. Every other week I can have someone come into our home for just 40 bucks! Others of you may not be so lucky, but even if it costs you more I would proclaim that it would be worth it! As my coach would say, "lets find things we can leverage" (off of your plate.) I'm all for that! Now, go ahead- hire a cleaning lady-- you'll be glad you did. Heck it could even be a tax deduction, if you do it right! And have them clean the studio too while they are at it. You have more important things to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love hearing that you hired a personal coach and a housekeeper! And I love hearing that it worked out. Every day that I come home to a clean house I think to myself that I can do more -- that somehow my house is like my brain and it's all in order after the housecleaner comes: Money well spent!

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