Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Love to Dance

Since it's Valentine's Day week I thought I'd reflect and share a technique we use at our school. I call it positive psychology - each of our classes ends with a statement, a chant - it goes like this... I'm Smart. I'm Strong and I LOVE to Dance! For the past 10 years my students have been saying this same statement at the end of class, at the start of a recital and behind the closing curtain. We have it on our waiting room wall and our kids even have arm and hip movements they created for it. Some people may call it brainwashing... I'd call it a motivational mantra. And you know what? It works. Positive self talk has powerful meaning to many people and even when I'm having a tough day I say this statement to myself and I feel better. Try it, say it to yourself -- right now, say it out loud. "I'm Smart. I'm Strong and I Love to Dance!"

I give you permission to use it in your studios too. Share the love of dance and use positive psychology techniques like this to make your dance program even stronger. And for an extra boost, join to get cool coloring book pages that also say I Love to Dance!

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Releve' Dance Poster sample

Releve' Dance Poster sample
sample of poster